
[창의융합교양대학] 2024-1 글쓰기 클리닉 참여 안내 (영문,중문)

Writer: 하********팀
Wrote on : 2024-03-22 09:34 (Updated date: 2024-08-28 14:07)
Hit: 1235

■ Period: 2024. 3. 25.(Mon) ~ 2024. 5. 31.(FRI)

■ Time: TUE 15:00~17:00, FRI 12:00~14:00

■ Tutor: Gang Seonhwa

- The professor who teaches '국제학생을 위한 글쓰기' 

- Litt. D(Doctor of Literature)

- Major in Chinese Literature

■ How: Send an email applying to

- Please follow this email applying form and attach your text file!

  Title: 글쓰기 클리닉 신청

  Contents: Name/Major/School ID number/Contact number/Date and time when you want to be corrected                             

■ For more details, visit the "College of creative convergence Education" website or call 02-920-7067



■ 运营时间: ~ 2024. 3.25(周一)~ 2024. 5.31(周五)
■ 运营时间:周二15:00~17:00,周五12:00~14:00
■ 指导教授:姜善花(负责"为国际学生写作"的教授、文学博士、中国文学专业)
■ 参与申请
■ 咨询:教养教学组(02-920-7067)


- 题目:【申请写作门诊(글쓰기 클리닉 신청)】
- 内容:姓名/系/学号/联系方式/想要的日期和时间/
- 申请书文件(包括要增删的原稿)

※ 以上内容是为外国学生提供的特别公告,因此韩国学生
按照现有的公告事项 使用即可.